This year's holiday situation in the LoJoLab. Sage & Buck in HotFoot!
(For anyone who wants a more verbose exploration...
of course, I got you. hahaha. Read on.)

LIFE IMITATES ART - Quick, reflective LoJoWerkz Update.
(copied from our Facebook page.)
Been spending 18-hrs-a-day in the dark, cramped cell-like LoJolab, faced with a pile of raw, unformed rocks waiting to be broken down into manageable chunks. Sun up to sun down (and more often vice-versa if I'ma be real) I'm here, pixel-breaking pick axe in hand, writing, composing & editing like a collared maniac on a table full of films, musicals and all manner of production art. Do I get hella tired and sore sometimes? Believe dat! But do I get homesick for "life on the outside?" Never! This is home. And this is life! This imprisonment of my own choosing feels exactly like this scene from “HotFoot” (our first film, now in production) This cell is teeming with talent of the “can’t take your eyes off” variety, hazy visuals that hint at intriguing worlds beyond the bars, and brainstorms of plot twists and hair-brained schemes both of which produce an endless supply of impish grins. >:-) Decades ago, when I became aware of my purpose in life and fully embraced it, I was handed a life sentence by the Universe. And theres no where I’d rather be locked than here!
Screen capture of HotFoot stars Sage Johnson & Charles “Lil Buck” Riley with a lil post production TuTchTness. S/O to our shooting squad: Mike Williams of Aces High Studios and James Sims of Blue Flame Productions & our skeleton production crew of Nita Smothers, Jillian Marie & Jerome Johnson (half of LoJoWerkz and half of Sage's parentage.)